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If These Heels Could Talk

Jan 26, 2022

Michelle and JoyGenea know a little about pushing the boundaries between ‘able to handle whatever comes up’ and ‘more than can ever be handled at one time’.  This book is a great place to stop and check in on if you are managing your life or if your life is managing you.


Written in the context of...

Jan 19, 2022

Perfect is a limiting belief:  a subjective state of being that is not only impossible but also damaging. No one is perfect and nothing is perfect. But our belief that we can be if we only try hard enough damages our relationships with others and our self-worth.


The double-edged sword of perfectionism is likely...

Jan 12, 2022

How do we lie honestly? Stating opinion as fact, misremembering things, detail avoidance and more are all of the ways we lie without intending to deceive. Confabulation is the fancy word for it. In psychological terms, it is often associated with memory disorders and a variety of conditions. Brene Brown talks about...

Jan 5, 2022

Next year will be the year for…what? Setting a theme for the year isn’t about resolutions or goals, but intention. It’s not as specific (or pressure-filled), but can help you focus other efforts for the year ahead.


Goals and resolutions can feel like pressure to perform, where a theme for the year can be a...